welcome to the teakzone!!
hello, i'm Kasi
i mainly use this site to share photos of bugs, but i'm slowly uploading a bunch of other projects i've been working on
hope you enjoy visiting my internet webzone!
here's some of the stuff i've made so far:
Bitsy Index - You can play some of the Bitsy games I've made here!
Pokimon: o wile jo e ona ale a! - Pokémon tawa Toki Pona
Bug Blog - Photography blog of the various insects living in my garden
Lego: Journey to the Green Planet - some photos i took on my Nintendo DSi when i was 12
(special thanks to a whole bunch of people at the spriters resource for ripping the DKC3 sprites!!)
(the monkey at the top is MysteryMonkey49 from the Frog Detective games)
(There's a lot of monkeys on this page. That wasn't intentional)
thanks for visiting!!
Last updated