
This is a collection of my favourite photos I've shared on the blog. Click on a photo to read it's respective blog post or click here to go back to the index. → Please scroll the page left to right → and wait a few seconds for all the pictures to load. If they don't, try refreshing the page!

[CW: The end of the page has multiple pictures of spiders, so avoid scrolling all the way if you need to.]

 A large number of black aphids crowded around the stem of a thick plant. They have lighter coloured segments running across their abdomen and two antennae that point backwards. A few red ants are visible here too. Close up photo of a tiny wasp. It is mostly black in colour and has lots of yellow pollen stuck to its face and forelegs. Close up of a small orange and brown moth sitting on a plant. Its wings are made up of tiny oval shaped scales. Close up of a large olive-green and pink moth hugging a wooden post. The moth is very fluffy and has banded lines of pink running down its wings and abdomen. Its legs and antennae are bright white and some of the white fur runs down the side of its body in thin lines around the joint of the wings. A green lacewing with very long antennae and intricate, oval-shaped wings. Photo of a dragonfly sitting on a blue bowl. This dragonfly is red in colour and has a little patch of yellow running up the side of its thorax. Photo of a frog sitting on wooden decking in the sun. The frog is covered in small bumps and is a vivid mixture of lighter and darker greens. She has golden eyes, a round dark patch on her cheeks, and has banded stripes on her legs. Photo of a small frog hiding under a rock and poking their head out of the water. The frog is a mixture of light and dark greens and has a mottled pattern to their skin. Photo of a grasshopper sitting in some soil. It is mostly green but has an intricate pattern of lighter and darker coloured lines running down and across its entire body. ... A close up photo of white flower. Resting on the flower head is a large black hoverfly with lighter-coloured banding running across its body. Collage of three photos of an extremely large yellow and black hoverfly that resembles a wasp or hornet. The sun is shining through its wings, illuminating them in a variety of yellows and reds. Close up photo of a common green bottle fly sitting on the jelly and sucking it up using its proboscis. The photo shows the fly mostly from a side view, providing a good look at its metallic green abdomen. A thin white stripe around the back edge of the fly's red compound eyes is also visible. Photo of common garden snail sitting on a few shrivelled up yellow flower petals and looking directly up at the camera. She has a dark grey body that is covered in small lumps and a whitish line running down her middle. The shell is a mixture of pale yellows and dark browns, curling in a striped pattern around the coil of her shell. The lip of her shell is rounded and light yellow in colour. One of her eyestalks is bent at an angle. Close up photo of a large, light-brown spider. It has two big eyes on the side of its head, another two big eyes looking forward, and four smaller eyes positioned underneath those. The spider's legs and palps have lots of long thick spines on them. Photo of a light brown spider resting on some rocks. She has two large eyes at the front of her head which are reflecting the sun's glare in a way that makes her look very cute. On her back is a large mound of tiny baby spiders which are mostly transparent in colour. An orange and black spider sitting on the edge of a ceramic pot. It has two pairs of large eyes on the front and sides of its head and a row of four small eyes underneath. The top of its body has an orange line running down the middle and its abdomen has six white dots on it. On the very end of the abdomen are two small nubs which are the spinnerets. A big white spider with long legs and a huge abdomen. Its body is covered in small hairs and has brown stripes running down the side of its cephalothorax.